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Monday, February 28, 2011

What are QR codes?

With the explosion of smart phones and technology seeming to get faster and faster. Here comes another addition to the list of great tools and advertising techniques! QR codes are codes that look like this image to the left. This is my contact information that I have posted on my signature and can be put on anything that I do for my business.

Why use this new technology? I think it is so adaptive and can be updated anytime for any different use. I can track them with Google analytics to see what action I am getting with them, I can make it about a website, bookmark a site, send a text, send an email, make a phone call, update a vCard, send a vCard, Google maps, send coordinates, YouTube video, Android Market search, Twitter update, and so on.

I am using them in my marketing of homes to interact in a new way with home buyers and sellers. Over 90% have a smart phone and use it on a daily basis. If you are at the gas pump and are reading the ads above the pump, look closely....there will be a qr code just waiting to be scanned!

They can be used for deals or coupons or special promotions. I am think from a business side of things but there are so many uses for qr codes. I even saw a shirt that was printed with one for a charity event! How cool would it be to scan that image and get information on how to donate or come to the event...oh the possibilities!

Go to Google and search and read on qr codes and tell me your thoughts on this new technology. I would love to hear your ideas!